George and Ann RichardsCivil War Era Center

Colored Conventions
Manuscript Workshop for Richards Center/Africana Research Center Postdoctoral Fellow Joseph Williams
Manuscript Workshop for Richards Center/Africana Research Center Postdoctoral Fellow Joseph Williams

Manuscript Workshop for Richards Center/Africana Research Center Postdoctoral Fellow Joseph Williams

December 2, 2022
at 10:00am

The Richards Center is excited to host a workshop for Richards Center/Africana Research Postdoctoral Fellow Joseph Williams’s manuscript, “Black Club Women, the Production of Religious Thought, and the Making of an Intellectual Movement, 1854-1933.” The Richards Center organizes this workshop for our postdoctoral fellows during their time at the Center to help prepare their manuscript for publication. As part of the workshop, we invite two senior scholars to comment. For Joseph’s workshop, Dr. Barbara D. Savage, Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Shannen Dee Williams, Associate Professor of History at the University of Dayton, will be joining us in-person. This event is open to Richards Center affiliated graduate students, pre-docs, post-docs, faculty, and other invited guests